Sunday, May 4, 2008

All Things Considered

My final thoughts on my semester in Japan: overall I have absolutely no doubts or regrets about studying abroad. Doing this blog has really forced me to think carefully about allof the negatives of my experiences, but even now, whenever I think back on my time at KCJS, all I can think about is how grateful and lucky I am to have had such an amazing experience. It's a theme that I've repeated often in this journal, but the positive aspects easily outweigh all of the doubts and problems I faced. It's a cliche, but after immersing myself entirely into a different culture and language, studying abroad really did broaden my perspective on life, and I now have countless unforgettable memories. And I think experiencing a foreign location, especially one as culturally and historically rich as Kyoto, is different going as a student than, say, going as a tourist or on business. There's something incredibly exciting and liberating about going to a new place for the sole purpose of soaking up as much of the experience as possible, with a whole semester (or a whole year!) to explore and so much support and encouragement. My time in Kyoto has done much to revitalize that sense of adventure and wonder that I once felt when learning things for the first time as a child, and I can't wait to return to Kyoto someday. I know I will.

Do I think study abroad is for everyone? No, not necessarily, and I still maintain that it's a decision that requires some real thought, consideration, and planning. I would highly encourage everyone to at least think about it though, and I hope my blog has been helpful about letting you know what to expect. If you do end up deciding to study abroad somewhere - don't stress! As far as I know, every student in the program learned to deal with the unfamiliar situation and was able to get something out of the experience. Best of luck to all study abroad students out there - I know you'll all have the experience of a lifetime! 皆さん、頑張りましょう〜!
KCJS 2007-2008 <3>

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