Tuesday, December 11, 2007

being sick blows

finally caught a cold, for the first time this semester. which is actually amazing, considering how often i normally get sick (and considering how often my friend amy, who's also in japan, is getting sick - she's normally a lot healthier than i am too). on the one hand, with all the of the stress of adjusting to japan, i expected to get sick pretty often, but on the other hand, my lifestyle here is healthier overall than my lifestyle in the states. my host mom's cooking is almost always packed with vegetables, and i'm getting regular, daily exercise in the form of biking to school. also, i'm getting a lot more sleep here, thanks to the wonderfully light work load. much as i miss america and can't wait to eat junk food again, overall i honestly prefer my lifestyle here.

you know what also sucks? not having heating in my room in winter. it sucks as much as not having A/C during the summer. i have an electric blanket-thingy under my bed, which means my bed's nice and toasty, but the rest of my room's a brisk 55 degrees. which isn't all that cold, but that sure as hell ain't room temperature. my room does have some kind of light fixture that's supposed to give off heat - at first i thought it was broken because i swore it wasn't heating the room at all, but apparently it's fine, it just doesn't work very well at all...